Preliminary Scoping Statement

Below you will find the full text of our Preliminary Scoping Statement (PSS). 

PSS Notice - This is a copy of the notice of PSS filing published in local newspapers and mailed to recipients as required by Article 10.


Cover Letter

Preliminary Scoping Statement

PSS Maps and Figures 1-5

PSS Maps and Figures 6-10

Appendix A - PSS Legal Notice

Appendix B - Certificate of Formation

Appendix C - Master List of Stakeholders

Appendix D - Meeting Log

Appendix E1 - 2017 Winter Raptor Survey Memo

Appendix E2 - 2017 Breeding Bird Survey

Appendix E3 - 2017 Spring Migratory Raptor Survey Results

Appendix F - NYNHP and USFWS Data

Appendix G - Visual Impact Rating Form