Article 10 Application

Below you will find the full text of our Article 10 Application, filed on March 13, 2020.

Notice of Submission of Application- This is a copy of the notice of submission of application filing published in local newspapers and mailed to recipients as required by Article 10.

Notice of Submission of Application- Second Notice- This is a copy of the second notice of submission of application filing published in local newspapers and mailed to recipients as required by Article 10.




Application - Table of Contents

Cover Letter

Table of Contents


Exhibit 1. General Requirements

Exhibit 2. Overview and Public Involvement

Exhibit 3. Location of Facilities

Exhibit 4: Land Use

Exhibit 5: Electric Systems Effect

Exhibit 6. Wind Power Facilities

Exhibit 7. Natural Gas Powered Facilities

Exhibit 8: Electric System Production Modeling 

Exhibit 9. Alternatives

Exhibit 10. Consistency with Energy Planning Objectives

Exhibit 11. Preliminary Design Drawings

Exhibit 12: Construction

Exhibit 13: Real Property

Exhibit 14: Cost of Facilities

Exhibit 15: Health and Public Safety

Exhibit 16. Pollution Control Facilities 

Exhibit 17. Air Emissions 

Exhibit 18. Safety and Security

Exhibit 19. Noise and Vibration

Exhibit 20. Cultural Resources

Exhibit 21. Geology, Seismology and Soils

Exhibit 22. Terrestrial Ecology and Wetlands

Exhibit 23. Water Resources and Aquatic Ecology

Exhibit 24. Visual Impacts

Exhibit 25. Effect on Transportation

Exhibit 26. Effect on Communications

Exhibit 27. Socioeconomic Effects

Exhibit 28. Environmental Justice

Exhibit 29. Site Restoration and Decommissioning

Exhibit 30. Nuclear Facilities

Exhibit 31. Local Laws and Ordinances

Exhibit 32. State Laws and Regulations

Exhibit 33. Other Applications and Filings

Exhibit 34. Electric Interconnection

Exhibit 35. Electric and Magnetic Fields

Exhibit 36. Gas Interconnection

Exhibit 37. Back-Up Fuel

Exhibit 38. Water Interconnection

Exhibit 39. Wastewater Interconnection

Exhibit 40. Telecommunications Interconnection

Exhibit 41. Applications to Modify or Build Adjacent