Below you will find the full text of our Article 10 Application, filed on March 13, 2020.
Notice of Submission of Application- This is a copy of the notice of submission of application filing published in local newspapers and mailed to recipients as required by Article 10.
Notice of Submission of Application- Second Notice- This is a copy of the second notice of submission of application filing published in local newspapers and mailed to recipients as required by Article 10.
Application - Table of Contents
Exhibit 1. General Requirements
Exhibit 2. Overview and Public Involvement
Exhibit 3. Location of Facilities
- Figure 3-1. Proposed Major Electric Generating Facility Location
- Figure 3-2. Interconnection Location
- Figure 3-3. Municipal Boundaries and Temporary Road Improvements
- Figure 4-1. Existing Land Use
- Figure 4-2. Land Use Programs and Specially Designated Areas
- Figure 4-3. Transmission Facilities and Resource Extraction - CONFIDENTIAL
- Figure 4-4. Tax Parcel Map
- Figure 4-5. Zoning District Map
- Figure 4-6. Proposed Land Use
- Figure 4-7. Specially Designated Areas
- Figure 4-8. Recreational Area and Other Sensitive Land Uses
- Figure 4-9. Aerial Photograph Overlay
Exhibit 5: Electric Systems Effect
Exhibit 6. Wind Power Facilities
Exhibit 7. Natural Gas Powered Facilities
Exhibit 8: Electric System Production Modeling
Exhibit 10. Consistency with Energy Planning Objectives
Exhibit 11. Preliminary Design Drawings
Exhibit 14: Cost of Facilities
Exhibit 15: Health and Public Safety
Exhibit 16. Pollution Control Facilities
Exhibit 18. Safety and Security
Exhibit 19. Noise and Vibration
Exhibit 20. Cultural Resources
Exhibit 21. Geology, Seismology and Soils
Exhibit 22. Terrestrial Ecology and Wetlands
- Figure 22-1. Impact to Plant Communities. Part 1
- Figure 22-1. Impact to Plant Communities. Part 2
- Figure 22-2. Significant Natural Communities
- Figure 22-3. Delineated Wetlands and Surface Waters
Exhibit 23. Water Resources and Aquatic Ecology
Exhibit 25. Effect on Transportation
Exhibit 26. Effect on Communications
Exhibit 27. Socioeconomic Effects
Exhibit 28. Environmental Justice
Exhibit 29. Site Restoration and Decommissioning
Exhibit 30. Nuclear Facilities
Exhibit 31. Local Laws and Ordinances
Exhibit 32. State Laws and Regulations
Exhibit 33. Other Applications and Filings
Exhibit 34. Electric Interconnection
Exhibit 35. Electric and Magnetic Fields
Exhibit 36. Gas Interconnection
Exhibit 38. Water Interconnection
Exhibit 39. Wastewater Interconnection
Exhibit 40. Telecommunications Interconnection
Exhibit 41. Applications to Modify or Build Adjacent
- Appendix 1-A. Certificate of Formation
- Appendix 2-A. Stakeholder List
- Appendix 2-B. Cumulative Event Log
- Appendix 2-C. Public Outreach Summary
- Appendix 4-A. Summary of Zoning Ordinances
- Appendix 5-A. Systems Reliability Impact Study - CONFIDENTIAL
- Appendix 5-B. Preliminary Electrical Detail Drawings_Part 1
- Appendix 5-B. Preliminary Electrical Detail Drawings_Part 2
- Appendix 5-B. Preliminary Electrical Detail Drawings_Part 3
- Appendix 5-B. Preliminary Electrical Detail Drawings_Part 4
- Appendix 5-B. Preliminary Electrical Detail Drawings_Part 5
- Appendix 5-B. Preliminary Electrical Detail Drawings_Part 6
- Appendix 5-C. Example Type Certifications - CONFIDENTIAL
- Appendix 5-D. Preliminary Operations & Maintenance Plan
- Appendix 6-A. Turbine Brochure Materials
- Appendix 8-A. Generation Dispatch Model - CONFIDENTIAL
- Appendix 11-A. Preliminary Civil Drawings_Part 1
- Appendix 11-A. Preliminary Civil Drawings_Part 2
- Appendix 11-A. Preliminary Civil Drawings_Part 3
- Appendix 11-A. Preliminary Civil Drawings_Part 4 Pages 1-8
- Appendix 11-A. Preliminary Civil Drawings_Part 4 Pages 9-15
- Appendix 11-A. Preliminary Civil Drawings_Part 5
- Appendix 11-A. Preliminary Civil Drawings_Part 6
- Appendix 11-A. Preliminary Civil Drawings_Part 7
- Appendix 11-B. Preliminary Wind Turbine Foundation Design Drawings - CONFIDENTIAL
- Appendix 11-C. O&M Building Elevation Drawings
- Appendix 11-D. Site Plan Schematics
- Appendix 12-A. Preliminary QA/QC Plan
- Appendix 12-B. Complaint Resolution Plan
- Appendix 14-A. Cost Customization Log - CONFIDENTIAL
- Appendix 15-A. Shadow Flicker Report
- Appendix 18-A. Preliminary Site Security Plan
- Appendix 18-B. Preliminary Emergency Action Plan
- Appendix 19-A. Pre-Construction Noise Impact Assessment - REDACTED- Part 1 - pages 1-84
- Appendix 19-A. Pre-Construction Noise Impact Assessment - REDACTED - Part 1 - pages 84-167
- Appendix 19-A. Pre-Construction Noise Impact Assessment - REDACTED - Part 2 - pages 1-60
- Appendix 19-A. Pre-Construction Noise Impact Assessment - REDACTED - Part 2 - pages 61-90
- Appendix 19-A. Pre-Construction Noise Impact Assessment - REDACTED - Part 2 - pages 91-120
- Appendix 19-A. Pre-Construction Noise Impact Assessment - REDACTED - Part 3 - pages 1-48
- Appendix 19-A. Pre-Construction Noise Impact Assessment - REDACTED - Part 3 - pages 49-97
- Appendix 19-A. Pre-Construction Noise Impact Assessment - REDACTED - Part 4 - pages 1-76
- Appendix 19-A. Pre-Construction Noise Impact Assessment - REDACTED - Part 4 - pages 77-135
- Appendix 19-A. Pre-Construction Noise Impact Assessment - REDACTED - Part 5
- Appendix 19-B. Noise Complaint Resolution Plan
- Appendix 19-C. Sound Monitoring and Compliance Protocol
- Appendix 20-A. Phase 1A Archeological Resources Survey - CONFIDENTIAL
- Appendix 20-B. Phase 1B Archaeological Survey Summary Report - CONFIDENTIAL
- Appendix 20-C. Unanticipated Discovery Protocol
- Appendix 20-D. Phase 1A Historic Resources Survey
- Appendix 20-E. Historic Resources Survey Report_Part 1
- Appendix 20-E. Historic Resources Survey Report_Part 2
- Appendix 20-E. Historic Resources Survey Report_Part 3
- Appendix 20-E. Historic Resources Survey Report_Part 4
- Appendix 21-A. Geotechnical Desktop Study_Part 1
- Appendix 21-A. Geotechnical Desktop Study_Part 2
- Appendix 21-B. Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report
- Appendix 21-C. Preliminary Blasting Plan
- Appendix 21-D. Preliminary Inadvertent Return Plan
- Appendix 21-E. Preliminary SWPPP
- Appendix 22-A. Plant and Wildlife Species List
- Appendix 22-B. Invasive Species Control Plan
- Appendix 22-C. Pre-construction Survey Reports - CONFIDENTIAL
- Appendix 22-D. Vernal Pool Study Report
- Appendix 22-E. Habitat Fragmentation Analysis
- Appendix 22-F. Avian Risk Assessment_REDACTED
- Appendix 22-G. Cumulative Impacts Assessment_REDACTED
- Appendix 22-H. Net Conservation Benefit Plan_REDACTED
- Appendix 22-I. Curtailment Financial Analysis - CONFIDENTIAL
- Appendix 22-J. Wetland and Stream Delineation Report
- Appendix 22-K. Wetland and Stream Impact Drawings
- Appendix 22-L. Environmental Compliance and Monitoring Plan
- Appendix 23-A. Private Water Well Survey Responses - CONFIDENTIAL
- Appendix 23-B. Preliminary SPCC Plan
- Appendix 24-A-C. Visual Impact Assessment
- Appendix 24-D Part 1. Visual Impact Assessment
- Appendix 24-D-Part 2. Visual Impact Assessment
- Appendix 24-E-F. Visual Impact Assessment
- Appendix 25-A. Route Evaluation Study
- Appendix 25-B. Draft Road Use Agreement
- Appendix 25-C. FAA Advisory Circle
- Appendix 25-D. NTIA Correspondence
- Appendix 26-A. Evans Engineering Report
- Appendix 29-A. Decommissioning Plan and Retirement Cost Evaluation - CONFIDENTIAL
- Appendix 31-A. Local Laws
- Appendix 31-B. Wind Turbine Simulation of 500' and 600' Turbines
- Appendix 35-A. Electric and Magnetic Field Study