Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Heritage Wind will be hosting a Virtual Post-Application Open House for residents and stakeholders to review the final project details from our Article 10 permit application, which was submitted on March 13, 2020. Application materials, including the final project layout, visual simulations, study details, and other aspects of the application will be available for review. Members of the public will have the opportunity to post and ask questions, and the Heritage Wind project development team will be available to answer those questions throughout this period.
The virtual open house will be conducted using the Konveio content engagement platform, which has been used by state and local governments as well as nonprofits and project developers throughout the country to engage the general public, inform stakeholders, solicit feedback, and answer questions regarding major plans and developments.
How to Participate:
- Starting on May 4th, return to this website, which will be redirected starting on that date to the presentation site.
- If you do not have adequate Internet access, many companies, including Spectrum and Xfinity, are offering complimentary access to their local wi-fi hotspots through mid-May. To find a location where you can get access and download a copy of the application or presentation materials, visit www.spectrum.com/wifi-hotspots.html or hotspots.wifi.xfinity.com.
- Barre residents who are unable to access the presentation materials online may also request printed materials to be sent to them by emailing [email protected] or calling (585) 563-5137.